Best dog food, best blog? Hopefully.

 In Blog

Bugsywithsign-300x225We have a long history of “writing dogs” in our family. By writing dogs, I don’t mean writing about, but dogs that actually write. Many of you will be convinced that the last few months of trying to get our new website up has been much like staying out in the sun too long. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As many of you know, our original “doodle” Bugsy Wonderdog wrote a book called Educating Humans to help raise money and awareness for various animal charities. Annoying Little Brother Murphy (ALBM) actually had a section in most of the chapters called Murphy’s musings. Murphy, now the canine patriarch of our clan collaborated with new “lil Sis” Molly on our all too infrequent newsletters. (I promise we will get more of them out to you) All in all our dog family has been prolific when it comes to writing.

Having said all of that I am the one that gets the privilege of writing the first blog on our new website. A privilege (chore) that comes with it’s own set of pitfalls. The biggest challenge is that our dogs have a somewhat twisted sense of humor. If you have read Bugsy’s book you know exactly what I am talking about that. Trying to live up to that can be a little daunting. As a company we want to provide you with the best food for dogs in the world. We also want to provide plenty of educational information to help combat the traditional dog food companies limitless marketing (propaganda?) budgets. At the same time we want to do that with a combination of fun and humor that allows you to learn new information while not succumbing to early slumbers in front of your computer.

In order to do this we will be placing a huge emphasis on videos and pictures most of which will be educational but some of them will be just plain cute. We just started a 5 part series of interviews with Dr Deva Khalsa, the best selling author of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog: A Holistic Guide for Healthier Dogs, (You can watch part 1 here) about all things nutrition. It’s informative and very educational but due to the fact that we aren’t all Doctors and most of this stuff is serious, the fun quotient of some of these videos is low on my scale.

We have also just launched our first in a long time newsletter. (Click here to open) This is both fun and informative. So having leaned toward the serious with our last two efforts I have included the video below. It is not educational just kind of fun.

How appropriate that our first blog should also feature another first


Murphy’s first trip down the stairs!

Molly will probably make fun of him if she sees that he was smaller than her!

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